Join us at PIEZO 2023 - Electroceramics for End Users XII (ECEUXII)

November 05 to November 08, 2023

at the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Discover what PI Ceramic can do for you. 


Piezoceramic Component Solutions for Your Applications

Whether you require a piezo component or an integrated assembly – PI Ceramic has the right solution ready for you.

Piezo components are manufactured from different piezo ceramic materials, each precisely tuned to your application. Further modifications of the elements, such as very fine holes, structured ceramic surfaces, and even complex, three-dimensional contours can be produced individually. PI Ceramic also performs the integration of piezo elements into the customer product. This includes both the electrical contacting of the elements according to customer requirements and the mounting of components provided by the customer, as well as the gluing or the casting of the piezo ceramics. For the customer, this means an accelerated manufacturing process and shorter lead times.



A Thousand Applications, One Manufacturer

Piezoceramic components are ideally suited for the generation and detection of vibrations in the smallest of areas – miniaturized piezo components make use of exactly this quality in their application. Thanks to their compact design, they can be used in medical devices for minimally invasive therapy, for example for intravascular lithotripsy or targeted drug release.

With the help of miniaturized piezo elements, adaptive fine adjustments of small optical elements used in semiconductor or silicon photonics applications, for example lenses, mirrors, or exit areas of optical fibers, can be made.

Small piezo elements can also be used to generate highly precise and fast motion. Piezo tubes provide radial displacement or, when controlled in segments, motion on the XY level, making them suitable for application in >> precision dosing or scanning fiber endoscopy. In SFE, the piezoceramics act as miniature scanners or as alignment systems for controlling an optical signal. Bending actuators achieve relatively large displacements in similar applications even over the smallest surface.

If you would like a quotation for piezoceramic components please complete the form on the following page.

We will be in touch to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Your Advantages with PI as a Partner
Custom piezo element and transducer manufacturing
Already during the development stage of your product, PI supports you in finding the optimum design and the ideal specifications of piezo elements. Beyond that, we manufacture piezo components, subassemblies, and ultrasonic transducers. You have a design idea, we contribute our long-standing experience. Together, we will achieve the best performance for your product.
Value-added designs
More than just piezo components or actuators: We offer value-added designs for our piezo elements. Whether you need soldering of stranded wires and flexible PCBs, gluing onto substrates, or the assembly of ultrasonic transducers with acoustic matching layers and housing: We deliver a ready-to-install, quality-tested product. Talk to us about your specific requirements!
Miniaturized piezo components
Special applications require special piezo elements. You are planning with the smallest installation spaces? PI has the technical expertise to produce tiny piezo components for this purpose. Whether it is tubes with 0.4 mm diameter or 2 mm small spheres: We support you in miniaturizing your solution.
Flexible quantities
You need 10 million actuators or maybe just one? Not a problem: Starting with developing and manufacturing the piezo material, all manufacturing steps are carried out in-house. This is how we can fulfill requests no matter how small or large.
Cleanroom environment
Your application is used in outer space conditions, in precision instrument engineering, or in medical technology – our piezo components are manufactured and assembled under cleanroom conditions. This is why we can meet the necessary quality standards for your products.
Entire value chain in one hand
Customized products made of piezo materials developed in-house: We take care of all steps necessary for your application at our facilities, including manufacturing and assembling the piezo elements and ultrasonic transducers. Consistent high quality across all process steps guaranteed!


Piezoceramic Components

Piezo Actuator and Transducer Solutions



Piezo Components for Liquid Handling

Microfluidics for in Vitro Diagnostics

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BRO73 / 2020-04-30
pdf - 834 KB

DuraAct Piezoelectric Patch Transducer

Flexible, Efficient, Durable

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BRO07E R2 2021-03
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BRO07D R2 2021-03
pdf - 1 MB

PI Piezoelectric Ceramic Products

Fundamentals, Characteristics and Applications

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Piezoelectric Actuators

Components, Technologies, Operation

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pdf - 11 MB
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PI Ceramic Product Overview

The Specialists for Piezo Technology

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Dynamic Behaviour

Oscillation modes of piezoceramic elements

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pdf - 435 KB

If you would like a quotation for piezoceramic components please complete the form on the following page.

We will be in touch to discuss your requirements in more detail.

More Reading & Case Studies

30 Years of Piezo Technology

PI Ceramic celebrates its 30th anniversary – 30 stories about the company's past, present and future.

Ultrasonic Transducers: Piezo Ultrasound for Medical, Welding, Flow Measurement & Therapeutic Applications

Customized OEM Piezo Transducer Assemblies

Piezoelectric Ultrasound Transducers for Atrial Fibrillation Treatment

Piezo Transducers for Ultrasonic Doppler Blood Flow Monitoring

Advances in Piezo Actuators for High Frequency, High Duty Cycle Industrial Applications

Methods to provide higher bandwidth and duty cycles with fast piezo positioning systems

Sematech Test Pattern

Active Vibration Isolation with Piezo Actuators

OEM Piezo Ceramics

PI Ceramic offers customized OEM solutions for piezo ceramics at the highest technological level and economically optimized.

Ultrasound Generation: What is the difference between Multilayer Piezo Transducers and Conventional Piezo Transducers

What is a Piezo Scanner?

Miniature Piezo Transducers for Medical Devices, Medical Engineering

Flexible Piezo Transducers find Applications in Structural Health Monitoring, Contouring, and Sound Cancellation

Reliable Piezo Motion Devices for Industrial and Space Applications

Piezoelectric Transducers and Components are used in Ventilators and Nebulizers

Piezoelectric Transducers for Ventilators and Nebulizers

Smart Vaccine Patch Production with Piezo Elements

In the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic, modern vaccination technologies are gaining importance as they promise to protect the world population from future pandemics. Vaccine patches are one of these next generation applications and piezo components or actuators can be used to precisely dispense tiniest droplets on the microneedles.

Ultrasonic Metering in Intensive Care Devices

Viruses and other infections particularly affect people with pre-existing conditions such as renal or cardiovascular diseases. In regard to the treatment and therapy of such illnesses, the demands on the medical devices used are ever increasing. Piezo technology offers various possibilities to improve them: Using piezo transducers, for example, makes intensive care devices such as infusion systems...

PI Ceramic - Dosing with Piezo Valves

Piezo Ceramics Enable Precise Liquid Handling for in Vitro Diagnostics

In vitro diagnostics (IVD) opens up numerous possibilities for early diagnosis and detection of diseases. The requirements for fluid handling in IVD devices are extremely demanding: very small quantities of fluids with different properties must be dosed or moved with high precision. Piezoelectric components and actuators perform these tasks.

Piezo Transducers, Actuators, and Motor Drive Solutions for Medical Engineering

High-Quality Piezo Sound Transducers for the A380 Airbus

Piezo Sensors (PZT) vs Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensors in Structural Health Monitoring

Piezo Acoustics: Turning Windows into Invisible Speakers and Helping James Bond Keep Secrets